See, I actually had a two day weekend this time around, which hasn't been happening a lot. And I didn't have any real plans for either of those days, which also hasn't been happening a lot. 'Nothing to do, nowhere to go' and all that good stuff.
So I decide to do a little cleaning up. Next thing I know there's all sorts of water coming out from under the sink. And now I'm spending the afternoon watching the maintenance guys trying to figure out what sort of mess some other person had made of the pipes.
Should've known if I was actually in a mood to clean that meant something bad was going to happen. Pretty much killed my cleaning mood, that's for sure.
So, that's been my day so far. At least the sink was clean.
Meanwhile... I finally got around to picking up "Star Trek: Elite Force II" and found a Buckaroo Banzai reference. The dedication plaque for the USS Dallas includes the ever-popular "No matter where you go, there you are" quote, continuing a long line of BB mentions in Trek stuff. Cool people, those Trekkers. I should have a screen cap up on the World Watch site this weekend if nothing else blows up on me.
Looks like I can put it here, so I'll try that:
There'll be a larger one posted for the site when I get that done. Have to remember to put in links to this thing, too. I've no doubt I'm typing into the wind here, but I might as well let the 2 or 3 people who check out the site know this is here.