Sunday, November 09, 2014



Writer: Brandon Jerwa
Artist: David T. Cabrera
Colors: Sandra Molina
Letters: Joshua Cozine
Publication Date: October 2014
Published by Dynamite Entertainment

Well, the real life stuff has been kicking up lately (tis the season and all that claptrap) so I'm behind on blathering on about stuff, but here we go with issue two of Dynamite's Bionic Woman revival.

As you may recall, the first issue had some stuff I wasn't all that thrilled with. Let's see what happens next....

First page - there it is! That's the shot I've been wanting. We finally get an outside view of the OSI building and Oscar's office like we had in nearly every episode of both shows. (useless trivia - actually the Russell Senate Office Building in Washington, DC)

Oscar is inside, trying desperately to find out what happened to Jaime only to be told the General she had been in contact with hasn't been heard from in months and is presumed to be a deserter. 


Meanwhile, Jaime appears to be in a rather typical, small town community. She's welcomed to the neighborhood in a typical, small town way, and invited to the town hall meeting. There, we get a little bit of an idea of what's going on. The missing General Morales is building his own American Dream, populating his perfect town with exceptional people. Jaime plays along, realizing that the baddies have done something to try and wipe her memory but last issue Rudy had installed a 'brain sentry' which conveniently protects against various methods of mind control and the like.

Rudy also implanted comm gear, so as soon as Jaime is alone in her new house, she rigs up an antenna and gets part of a message out before being interrupted by a neighbor. A neighbor who doesn't take kindly to Jaime's attempts to communicate with the outside world. A neighbor who is actually a robot, so we get a pretty cool bionic fight scene.

Jaime gets away and heads into the woods where she meets someone who says he can help her escape. End issue two.

In a general sense, this was better than the first issue, at least in terms of not having any scenes throwing me out of the moment like the graphic headshot in issue one.

Jaime used her smarts as much as her bionics, picking up on the idea that they think she's been brainwashed and running with it, then rigging up that antenna to help get her distress call out. 

Good use of her environment during the fight scenes, too. As part of the 'non-violence' thing the series had going, she had a tendency to pull rugs out from under - or throw bits of furniture at - her opponents instead of going toe-to-toe with them.

And we get a cameo from Max.

Overall - happy with this one. Unfortunately, the Dynamite website indicates that this series will end with number four.

Ah, well. With any luck more will come. It was nice to get the "real" Steve and Jaime back for awhile. 

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