Monday, November 27, 2017

Whole Lotta Nuthin'

I hope everyone who had a long weekend and/or celebrated Thanksgiving had a good one. We actually had Turkey Day and Friday off, but to do that they played around with the schedule so after those two days it was back at it and twelve-hour days and no word on when our next "weekend" will be, so....

This is it for this week.

Have fun, folks.

EDIT -15 hours later

Okay, okay. I couldn't leave it there and after a mind-numbing day at work, I figured I'd at least leave you with some music, so here's some song mashups I particularly dig -

Thunder Busters by Wax Audio

Taylor Swift vs. Nine Inch Nails by Isosine

Don't Stop the Sandman by Rock Sugar

Rock & Roll Until a Reasonable Hour by DJ Cummerbund

Saturday, November 18, 2017

TV Shows Not On DVD

So...not only are we still working overtime, but they've extended it to twelve-hour nights. At least we still had a day off for our "weekend."

Anyway, my brain is tapioca pudding so here's some TV series that have yet to (officially) make it to DVD and I wish they'd hurry the heck up....

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Listen! Did you see that?!?

Oh...I can't do it this week. We're working even more hours and I just don't have the time or energy.

But...I have to put something here to keep my promise to myself....

I ditched cable a few years back. Between Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Prime, and various other apps and Roku channels I'm covered for most anything I actually want to keep up with. For all other times when I just need the TV on for background noise, I can usually pick up some over-the-air station that shows old programs.

One thing that really stands out about them is - they have theme songs. An actual minute or longer piece of music that plays during the opening credits. Nowadays, a short musical 'sting' is about all we get.

So this week, here's a couple of my favorite TV themes in no particular order courtesy of the fine users of YouTube:

Sunday, November 05, 2017

Two Movies and a Book

Actually had a little time off at the end of the month. Possibly my last days off until Thanksgiving if the rumors are true. Managed to squeeze in some movie watching and book reading.

Read on for some thoughts on THOR: RAGNAROK, PHOENIX FORGOTTEN, and Rachel Bach's novel  Fortune's Pawn.