Sunday, December 31, 2017

Two Werewolves and a Babysitter

So yes, I absolutely did take a break for Christmas. But I'm back with a triple-feature, hence the title (which now I'm afraid will show up as the title of one of those ebooks on Amazon - guess I'd better hurry and write it myself).

Anyway, read on if you like for my thoughts on WEREWOLVES OF THE THIRD REICH, CARNIVORE: WEREWOLF OF LONDON, and THE BABYSITTER.

dvd cover

Directed by Andrew Jones 
Written by Andrew Jones
Starring Lee Bane, Derek Nelson, Kwame Augustine, Darren Swain, Neville Cann, Suzie Frances Garton

From IMDb:
"In Germany at the height of World War II, a ragtag group of American soldiers discover Doctor Mengele's diabolical plan to create an unstoppable army of Nazi werewolves."
A low-budget blind buy during a trip to the local big box store.
US soldiers versus Nazi werewolves. How could you possibly go wrong, you might ask?
Well, this movie answers that question.
It starts with an overlong scene introducing us to the first of our "heroes," 'Mad Dog' Murphy, whose character seems to be Clint Eastwood doing Brad Pitt's 'killing Nazis' speech from INGLOURIOUS BASTERDS nearly everytime he encounters anyone new - an admirable hobby to be sure but I got the point the first time he said it.

I suppose it's an effective opening scene, as overlong with a lot of talk but not much happening is a theme that carries through for the rest of the film. For crying out loud, the titular werewolves don't even show up until an hour into the thing. And when they do, they have about five minutes of screen time.

Pros - nifty lenticular slipcover on the DVD

Cons - I actually spent money and time on it


Directed by Simon Wells 
Written by Simon Wells
Starring Ben Loyd-Holmes, Atlanta Johnson, Gregory Cox

From the official Facebook page:
"In an effort to save their relationship Dave takes his American girlfriend Abi to a remote cottage in a bid to reignite their passion. It doesn't go well and they are torn apart by a massive argument. Unbeknown to them a ravenous carnivore is lurking in the shadows of the forest. As the full moon rises time runs out for the young couple."

Ah...much better. Another low (but nowhere near as low as I think the previous film was) budget werewolf movie, this time rented off of Amazon.
There's not a whole lot of the "In London" part, as the film takes place almost exclusively in and around that remote cottage of the description, but there's plenty of "Carnivore" action. These folks put together a werewolf that they're darn proud of and never shy about showing. Okay, it never really looks like anything other than someone in a decent werewolf costume but by now you know I'm perfectly fine with giving an A for effort. (I have to admit, when I first saw the preview on YouTube I thought they'd used a commercial werewolf mask like one of the ones I own.)
There's some humor, some tension, some sex, some blood, basically everything you need in a movie. And I'd really like to see the movie that could be made building off of the ending of this one.

Definitely worth the rental if you're okay with low-budget stuff and I wouldn't totally mind picking up the DVD if I run across it on the shelf.


Directed by McG
Written by Brian Duffield
Starring Samara Weaving, Judah Lewis, Robbie Amell, Bella Thorne, Hana Mae Lee, Andrew Bachelor, Emily Alyn Lind, Ken Marino

From IMDb:
"The events of one evening take an unexpected turn for the worst for a young boy trying to spy on his babysitter." 
A friend from work has been pushing me to watch this Netflix release for a while. I really should've listened to him earlier. I totally dug it.
Cole is the kid who's scared of pretty much everything. Needles, driving, name it. Not surprisingly, it makes him the target of the school bullies, He's also the only kid his age who still has a babysitter. This also gets him made fun of at least, he explains, until they see her. Then they just get jealous. Bee is a knockout and she's one of the few who seems to genuinely like Cole just the way he is. They get along so well that you believe her when she says she'd want to hang out with him even if she wasn't getting paid to babysit.

When Cole's more age-appropriate crush suggests to him that Bee likely invites boys over after he goes to bed, he decides to stay up and see what happens.

What happens is an over-the-top gorefest as Bee and her friends engage in evil, devil-worshipping style rituals and try to get rid of their one witness - Cole.

If someone getting stabbed in the head and fountaining blood is the type of scene that can get a laugh out of you, this is the movie for you. It sure worked for me. The whole thing had me cracking up. (and also wishing Drew Barrymore's SANTA CLARITA DIET would hurry and come back for its second season)

Very much recommended if you're a bit sick in the head.

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