Writer: Ryan Ferrier
Artist: SL Gallant
Inker: Brian Shearer
Colors: James Brown
Letters: Robbie Robbins
Publication Date: 2018
Published by Dynamite Entertainment and IDW
Just this past week, on the 7th of March, was the 45th anniversary of the premiere of THE SIX MILLION DOLLAR MAN TV movie. Two more movies followed, then the weekly series that lasted five seasons and spawned a spin-off and three reunion movies. It also started my lifelong (so far) fandom of said show. I'll spare you more of the tiresome details of my love of the show because I've talked about that enough, particularly here and here. What I won't spare you is my comments about Dynamite's latest attempt at bringing 'my' show into the funny pages.
Much like their last run at Steve, FALL OF MAN, this title looks like it's going to be pretty much unconnected to their initial foray into continuing the TV series, the very cool SEASON SIX mini-series. This one looks to take place in late 1981 or early 1982 if the marquee seen near the end is on a first-run movie theater. That puts it three years after the series ended so Steve has some bionic upgrades now.
If you're like me (I pity you) you questioned the 'versus' in the title. I mean, Steve and the Joes are all good guys, right? Why would they be fussin' and fightin'?
Well, the issue starts out with Steve dropping into Siberia to rescue a rich tech dude in the clutches of the Russians. After a blast of bionic action we find out it's a trap. Steve is captured and 'introduced' to Dr. Mindbender and even tho I'm not an expert on the Joes or their enemies in Cobra I've got an idea where this is headed.
Then we cut to the assembled Joes getting ready to escort Air Force One, ferrying the presidents of the USA and Mexico as well as the Canadian Prime Minister, to an important peace accord which will unite the world against terrorist organizations like Cobra. All the favorites from your toy chest are here; Hawk, Roadblock, Rock 'n' Roll, Lady Jaye, and the two I actually owned, Scarlett and Snake Eyes, among others.
Whatever the Joes were prepared for, it ends up not being a single man with a flying wing strapped to his back. Especially one they recognize as an American intelligence agent. Under Mindbender's control, Steve and his bionics make short work of the Joe's aerial escort as well as Air Force One itself. At the end of the issue, the Joes have crash-landed in the middle of a Cobra-controlled island and are being charged by an army of the blue-clad goons, led by the Six Million Dollar Man himself.
Being the first issue, I can't really comment on the storyline as a whole. The issue does a good job of introducing all the players for anyone not completely familiar with them and putting everyone into place. We'll see how the series progresses.
Personally, I'm hoping they break Cobra's control over Steve sooner rather than later so he can spend his time working alongside the Joes to end Cobra's latest scheme instead of using him as a last-issue surprise attack, but we'll see.
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